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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Asteroids Unknown/HumpDay PicDump

Fields of grey
Shards of ice
Travel at the speed of light
Bound to stone
Lone and cold
Asteroids in silent flight
Around the circle of a sun
Around the circle of a sun
As knowledge rained
We built our grave
A fickle play to separate
Man from beast
We ruled our plain
Working towards the bitter end
After the impossible is done
After the impossible is done
The code′s complete
Brains in place
Initiate the startup phase
Circles bound
A singularity is taking place
Into a universe unknown
Into a universe unknown
Asteroids unknown
Asteroids unknown
Asteroids unknown
No man alive
No time to change
But stone and grey they soldier on
Through time and space
A changing pace
Accelerate to outer space
Into a universe unknown
Into a universe unknown
Asteroids unknown
Asteroids unknown
Asteroids unknown
Asteroids unknown

gitchysum ...

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing,”

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