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Monday, May 17, 2021

In Case You Didn't KNOW ..... Palestine Was Stolen From Palestinians

 All you pro-Israel types who don't understand what all the fuss is about and think poor little ol' Israel is being picked on, catch tf up HERE. 

Now along with WEAPONS and TRAINING that you and I pay for ... Israel and smilin' Benny the Jew are among the biggest bullies in the world. Bombin' babies and hospitals INTENTIONALLY ... while YOU and I pay for it. All you dumbasses bitchin' about Foreign Aid never think about the sorryass Bullies WE prop up. If you're questioning America's foreign aid payments around the world .... REALLY ... fuckin' ... QUESTION, America's foreign aid payments!


  1. Replies
    1. I forget that you were around in 1922.
      Some people only get their history of the state of Israel from the great performance by Paul Newman in The Exodus.
      The League of Nations, The U.N. and ESPECIALLY Jews have shit on Palestinians for 100 years.


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