Weather on Orchard Mesa

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Could Be Wrong But It Sure Feels Right


And I Guess This Was Just Meant To Be!

Presenting the new(to me) el escondite de bj here in Geezer Flatts! She ain't mine yet .... but they have until June 30 to move out the way!! More to follow sporadically. Hope Life is being good to you all.

The Adventure Continues!!😁


  1. Replies
    1. me too mooner. I met the sisters selling the home, their husbands and a couple grandkids of the elderly lady who owns it yesterday. They are having a yard sale of their mother's items. They're decent enough folks I guess- though one of them had a "State Legislature" front plate on their blood red DeVille. I bought a buncha the old lady's furniture for cheap-curios and corner cabinets, maple dining table and six chais, maple cannonball bed and huge dresser tables, and lamps ... uh. I need living room den and two bedrooms plus patio furniture. That may have to come on the "piece a month" plan! hyuck!
      thanks for checking on me... okay so reconvert that bail money to dogecoin or back to gold. It appears Karma has kivvered me keester once again, handsome lass she BE! way more pics comin atcha than you really wanna see!


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